Rehab and Beyond Survivor Spotlight: Peggy Smith
Ms. Peggy, a.k.a. Coach Peggy, recently celebrated her two year stroke anniversary! She suffered a hemorrhagic stroke in 2017, and has been fighting for her recovery like the true champion and superhero that she is ever since.
Three weeks post stroke, Ms. Peggy couldn’t stand for more than 17 seconds. After completing and persevering through inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation at Emory Rehabilitation Hospital, Coach Peggy met Rehab and Beyond founder Coach Stan Maddox, and the rest has been history.
Using the guided coaching from the Rehab and Beyond continuum care program, Coach Peggy can now run/walk a mile. She has returned to work as an educator and enjoys life to the fullest while traveling to root on the Atlanta Braves and the Atlanta Falcons.
“Don’t ever quit, don’t ever give up. Listen to those that have been trained to help you, even if it hurts and you don’t understand why someone wants you to do something that seems impossible.
Do what you can today. And do a little more tomorrow. It will all add up.” – Coach Peggy